Aaron Moore & Erik K Skodvin + Watercoloured Well (Opener), Wizards of Oi (Special Guests) 21.01. 2019 Walpodenakademie, Einlaß: 20 Uhr, Beginn: 20:30 Uhr
Ein Abend mit zeitgenössischer Soundimprovisation und Geräuschmusik aus New York, Berlin und RheinMain https://www.facebook.com/events/2187757337911587/ in der Walpodenakademie. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Flux on Demand.
#Aaron Moore & Erik K Skodvin
Aaron & Erik have been fans of each other’s work for many years. From Erik’s work as Svarte Greiner, and with the groups Deaf Center and B/B/S, to Aaron’s work with Volcano The Bear, Gospel Of Mars and his duo with Alan Courtis. They have created a large and eclectic body of work between them. Their allready sold out duo album ‚Instead of Rain I Bring a Hat‘ (Hands in the Dark 2018) sounds unique amongst their output. It brings together vast amounts of instruments and techniques to form a surreal and melancholic piece of work. The record was conceived after over 6 years of back and forth, mailing sound clips and compositions while they were working on compiling the massive Volcano The Bear’s 20 year anniversary box set “Commencing” that came out on Erik´s Miasmah label in 2015. In a live setting they improvise around numerous known and unknown sound sources. Aaron plays percussion, tapes, trumpet and voice and occasionally uses strange instruments to interact with the audience. Erik plays with sound collages, drones, electronics and feedback. For their 2019´s winter tour they have also produced a limited edition cassette release entitled „Hovering Mink„, which is a collage of improvisations recorded in Berlin 2016, made into it´s own multi-section piece. Currently, Aaron is an Englishman in New York while Erik is a Norwegian in Berlin. Both of them enjoy a good pint and ridiculous sentence.
Aaron: https://invisiblesports.com/ Erik : http://miasmah.com/eks/ Hands in the Dark : http://handsinthedarkrecords.com/ Album stream : https://www.thewire.co.uk/audio/tracks/stream-aaron-moore-erikk-skodvin-s-instead-of-raini-bringa-hat
#Watercoloured Well
Watercoloured Well was drilled in 2011 when interdisciplinary artist Brandstifter invited some friends to celebrate his birthday with a free music improvisation at Walpodenakademie in Mainz. There was no stage no audience, no ambition, no goal, but a steady coming and going of friends, involved to socialize a free floating network of sound. Besides their open mindedness and sense of humour WCWs strenght is to integrate interactive nonmusical elements – like for instance using the faces of band members, audience and puppets as source material for making live copy art during the set to process their open sessions into intermedia. In this way aside outstanding music WCW generates performance relicts that witness the unique happening in terms of visual art. Current line up: Brandstifter (Mainz), Ingmar Ehler (Bad Kreuznach), Dirk Hülstrunk (Frankfurt ), Carsten Olbrich (Frankfurt)., Tanja Roolfs (Mainz), Ralf Thorn (Mainz);
https://www.facebook.com/watercolouredwell/ https://kormdigitaal.bandcamp.com/track/something-to-ride-to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63wYdvh1t-A&feature=youtu.be
#Wizards of Oi
Aaron Moore und der interdisziplinäre Aktionskünstler Brandstifter aus Mainz haben das Projekt Wizards of Oi vor zehn Jahren während Brandstifters NY-Stipendium als Bildender Künsterer des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz in der Flux Factory New York gegründet. Seitdem zahlreiche Auftritte in Clubs und Galerien in New York, New Jersey und Deutschland sowie Veröffentlichungen – zuletzt: „Pop Oil View“ (Chocolate Monk): „Aaron Moore (Volcano The Bear) & Brandstifter return for a second swig of the poison after last years Wot It Is Not, which had WFMU’s Daniel Blumin frothing from the ears. With full bellies they foray further into the forest of broken music (or is that musical & mental breakdown?) incorporating a wide selection of instruments and guff to create sweet swaggering tomfoolery all with a distinct whiff of Paul McCarthy (those demented sounding vocal ditties) or Mike Kelley (ala The Poetics or early D.A.M). Be brave you sack o‘ meat, tie one on. The Wizards have got yr ftaback covered.“ Am 21.1. erscheint das neue Album „Troost“ bei Flux on Demand (FOD 021) auf C-30 Cassette.
https://archive.org/details/WizardsOfOiTheMayfair https://archive.org/details/WoOExcerpt1
https://archive.org/details/WoOExcerpt2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJBGBiYKRUQ
Eine Veranstaltung des Mainzer Kunstvereins Walpodenstraße 21 e.V. http://walpodenakademie.de/