Konzert: Anne-F Jacques und Tim Olive

Anne-F Jacques
Anne-F Jacques

Anne-F Jacques and Tim Olive use handmade, idiosyncratic instrumentation to produce and amplify detailed sound textures, from fine-grained to coarse. They share a tactile, lo-tech approach to improvised sound composition, manipulating diverse objects and materials in conjunction with somewhat unpredictable audio pickup/amplification systems to create a music in turns serene and agitated, pellucid and dense, fluid and gritty. Jacques uses small electric motors and Olive employs magnetic pickups; both sources are modified, manipulated and amplified. The hands-on nature of their instrumentation results in performances which are both sonically captivating and visually intriguing.

Their first album „Dominion Mills“ was released in 2014 on the 845 Audio label, prior to a Japan tour. In November 2015 they undertook a North American tour, recordings from which became their 2016 Intonema label release „Tooth Car“. Both musicians use minimal external sound processing, mainly equalization; the results are very direct, tactile and raw, with the duo’s time-honed rapport contributing to a surprisingly organic music.


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Saisoneröffnung in der Walpodenakademie!. Was es Neues gibt, was wir planen und was wir überhaupt so machen…. Das Wochenende der offenen Akademie mit Impressionen aus achtzehn Jahren partizipativer und interdisziplinärer Kunst- und Kulturarbeit sowie aktuellen Projekten, Statements und Aktionen.
Samstag 22. April 18-22 Uhr: Ausstellungseröffnung mit Vorleseabend: Bringt Eure (kurzen) Texte mit undd lest vor!
Sonntag 23. April 14-18 Uhr: Kaffee Kuchen Kunst